Detecting a User's Scroll Direction with JavaScript

In the endlessly scrolling pages of today's web, understanding user behavior is key. One aspect of this is detecting the direction of a user's scroll.

Whether you're implementing infinite scroll, firing animations, or simply curious, detecting scroll direction is a fundamental skill in web development.

Let's dive into how to accomplish this with JavaScript, adding a pinch of humor to keep the DOM from getting too bored.


Before we start chasing after scrolls like a cat after a laser pointer, let's set the stage. Scroll events in JavaScript offer a window into user interaction but don't directly tell us the direction of the scroll.

We'll need to play detective, comparing scroll positions over time to deduce whether the user is scrolling up or down.

Setting Up The Stage

First things first, let's define our variables. We need a way to remember the last scroll position. Think of it as leaving breadcrumbs along the path to see where we've been.

let lastScrollTop = 0;

Listening to Scroll Events

To detect scrolling, we attach an event listener to the window. This listener will wake up every time the user scrolls, ready to take notes.

window.addEventListener('scroll', function() {
  // Magic happens here

The Magic: Detecting Scroll Direction

Inside our event listener, we'll compare the current scroll position to our last recorded position. This comparison tells us if the user is scrolling towards the bottom of the page (down) or back up to the top (up).

window.addEventListener('scroll', function() {
  let currentScroll = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop;

  if (currentScroll > lastScrollTop){
    // If current scroll position is greater than the last one, user is scrolling down.
    console.log("Scrolling DOWN");
  } else {
    // If current scroll position is less than the last one, user is scrolling UP.
    console.log("Scrolling UP");
  // Update lastScrollTop to the current scroll position.
  lastScrollTop = currentScroll <= 0 ? 0 : currentScroll; // For Mobile or negative scrolling

Why pageYOffset or document.documentElement.scrollTop?

The web is a wild place, full of different browsers and their quirks. window.pageYOffset is standard across most modern browsers, but document.documentElement.scrollTop is the fallback for Internet Explorer and other old friends. This ensures our script is as inclusive as a group hug, working across the browser spectrum.

Handling Edge Cases

Mobile and Negative Scrolling

In the world of touch screens, scrolls can sometimes go into the negative. It's like scrolling so hard you end up in a parallel universe. To handle this, we ensure our lastScrollTop doesn't go below zero:

lastScrollTop = currentScroll <= 0 ? 0 : currentScroll;

Performance Considerations

Scroll events can fire off faster than popcorn in a microwave. For performance, you might consider throttling or debouncing the event.

This means controlling how often your scroll event listener function runs, preventing it from overwhelming the browser while scrolling.

Putting It All Together

Combining all these snippets, we have a simple yet effective way to detect scroll direction.

This can be the foundation for more complex interactions, like triggering animations, loading content, or playing that surprise cat video when the user scrolls back up (because why not?).


Detecting a user's scroll direction might seem like a small task, but it's these details that can greatly enhance the user experience.

With a few lines of JavaScript, we've unlocked a new layer of interactivity, proving once again that sometimes, it's the little things in web development that make a big difference.

So go forth, use this power wisely, and maybe, just maybe, make the web a slightly more delightful place to scroll through.