How to Make an Anchor Tag Refer to Nothing

In the vast, wild world of web development, the humble anchor tag (<a>) plays the role of the unsung hero, guiding users from one destination to another with just a click.

But what happens when you want an anchor tag to, well, anchor nothing? Perhaps you're laying out a navigation menu before the content is ready, or you need a placeholder for a dropdown toggle.

In these scenarios, making an anchor tag refer to "nothing" becomes an essential trick in your developer toolkit.

The Classic href="#" Technique

The Old-School Approach

<a href="#" onclick="event.preventDefault();">Click Me!</a>

The traditional method to make an anchor tag refer to nothing is by setting its href attribute to "#". This approach tells the browser to link to the current page's top.

While this works for preventing navigation to a new page, it has the side effect of jumping the user back to the top of the page, which can be annoying.

To avoid this, developers often pair it with onclick="event.preventDefault();", preventing the default action of jumping to the top.

Why It's Not Perfect

While the href="#" method is widely used, it's not without its drawbacks. The main issue is the unintended side effect of scrolling to the top of the page if event.preventDefault() is not used or fails for some reason.

Additionally, it can lead to cluttered JavaScript code, especially if you're attaching event listeners directly in your HTML.

The Modern javascript:void(0); Solution

A Cleaner Alternative

<a href="javascript:void(0);">Click Me!</a>

Enter the javascript:void(0); method. By setting the href attribute to javascript:void(0);, you effectively tell the browser to execute a JavaScript statement that returns undefined.

This method does the job of preventing the default link action without the side effect of changing the page's scroll position.

Why It Rocks

This approach is cleaner and more semantically accurate for situations where you don't intend to navigate away. It avoids the potential pitfalls of the # method and keeps your code tidy.

However, it's important to note that using inline JavaScript within HTML attributes is generally frowned upon in modern web development practices due to concerns about maintainability and security.

Leveraging onClick with JavaScript or React

The JavaScript Way

document.getElementById("myLink").addEventListener("click", function(event){
    // Additional logic here
<a href="#" id="myLink">Click Me!</a>

In pure JavaScript, you can attach an event listener to your anchor tag that prevents the default action.

This method allows you to keep your HTML clean and separate your concerns by moving interactivity logic into JavaScript files.

The React Way

function MyComponent() {
    const handleClick = (event) => {
        // Additional logic here

    return <a href="#" onClick={handleClick}>Click Me!</a>;

In React, handling placeholder links follows a similar pattern but takes advantage of React's event handling.

By using the onClick handler, you can prevent the default action and also include any additional logic for that click event. This approach is particularly useful in SPA (Single Page Application) frameworks where navigation is handled without traditional page reloads.

Conclusion: The Best Approach?

When deciding how to make an anchor tag refer to nothing, context is king. For simple placeholders or preventing default actions without additional logic, javascript:void(0); offers a clean, if somewhat outdated, solution.

However, for more complex interactions or when working within modern JavaScript frameworks like React, attaching event listeners or using onClick handlers provides more flexibility and keeps your code organized.

Remember, the goal is not just to prevent navigation but to do so in a way that enhances user experience and maintains the integrity of your codebase.

Whether you're building a navigation menu, setting up placeholders, or creating interactive components without navigation, these techniques ensure your anchor tags do exactly what you need them to—sometimes, that means doing nothing at all.