Make React useEffect Hook Not Run on Initial Render

In the world of React, the useEffect hook is like that friend who always shows up, whether you invited them or not.

By default, useEffect runs after the initial render and after every re-render, which is great for many scenarios. But what if you want to skip the party starter and only invoke it on updates?

Specifically, how can we make useEffect not run on initial render but only on subsequent updates?

Let's dive into this topic, exploring ways to tame this enthusiastic hook, ensuring it only runs when you want it to, excluding the initial render.

Understanding useEffect

Before we start tricking useEffect into behaving, let's understand what it does. The useEffect hook lets you perform side effects in functional components.

It's the Swiss Army knife in React's functional components, handling tasks like fetching data, directly interacting with the DOM, setting up subscriptions, and more.

useEffect(() => {
  // Your side-effect code here.
}, [dependencies]);

The second argument, the dependency array, is the key to controlling when the effect runs. If the array:

  • Is absent, the effect runs after every render.

  • Contains values, the effect runs only when those values change.

  • Is an empty array [], the effect runs only once after the initial render.

The Challenge with Initial Render

Sometimes, running an effect on the initial render is unnecessary or undesirable. For instance, you might want to fetch data only in response to a user's action, not right when the component mounts.

Unfortunately, useEffect doesn't come with a built-in "skip initial render" feature. But don't worry, where there's a will (and JavaScript), there's a way.

The Solution: Skipping Initial Render

Here’s a strategy to make useEffect skip its initial invocation and only run on updates.

Step 1: Use a Ref as a Flag

We'll use the useRef hook to keep track of whether the component has mounted. useRef persists values across renders without causing re-renders itself, making it perfect for our needs.

import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const isFirstRender = useRef(true);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (isFirstRender.current) {
      isFirstRender.current = false;

    // Your effect code here, which will run only on updates.
  }, [/* dependencies */]);

  return <div>Your component markup</div>;

In this approach, we initialize a ref called isFirstRender with true.

Inside useEffect, we check this flag. If it’s the first render, we set it to false and exit early. For subsequent renders (updates), the effect runs as intended.

Why This Works


Step 2: Cleanup and Beyond

Remember, effects might also include cleanup functions, especially when dealing with subscriptions, timers, or removing event listeners.

If your effect does cleanup, ensure it doesn't rely on code that skips execution during the first render.

useEffect(() => {
  if (isFirstRender.current) {
    isFirstRender.current = false;

  // Setup code here.

  return () => {
    // Cleanup code here.
}, [/* dependencies */]);

Advanced Use Cases

For more complex scenarios, such as when your component depends on multiple effects with different dependencies, apply this pattern selectively.

Not every useEffect might need to skip its initial run. Evaluate your component's logic and apply this strategy where it truly benefits your application's behavior and performance.


While useEffect doesn't offer a direct way to skip the initial render, the flexibility of React hooks allows us to implement this behavior ourselves.

Using useRef as a simple flag provides a straightforward and efficient method to control the execution of effects, aligning them more precisely with our component's lifecycle and state changes.

This technique, like any other, should be used judiciously. It's a powerful tool in your React arsenal, enabling finer control over component behavior and side effects.

However, always consider the readability and maintainability of your code, especially when working in teams or on large projects.

Remember, the goal is not just to make useEffect do what we want but to create components that are clear, concise, and function as intended. Happy coding!