What Tools are Available for TypeScript Development?

TypeScript, the superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript, has taken the development world by storm.

It brings static typing to JavaScript, ensuring more robust code and a better development experience.

But to fully harness the power of TypeScript, you need the right tools in your arsenal. In this article, we'll explore the essential tools available for TypeScript development, from integrated development environments (IDEs) to build tools and linters.

Let's dive into the TypeScript toolbox and discover how to supercharge your development workflow.

Part 1: The Essentials

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

  • Overview: Developed by Microsoft, VS Code is the go-to editor for many TypeScript developers. It offers out-of-the-box support for TypeScript with features like automatic type acquisition, IntelliSense, code navigation, and refactoring tools.

  • Why It's Great: Its lightweight nature, combined with powerful extensions for TypeScript, makes it an unbeatable choice for TS development.

  • Key Features: IntelliSense for auto-completions, peek definitions, and refactorings.


  • Overview: WebStorm by JetBrains is a powerful IDE specifically designed for JavaScript and TypeScript development. It offers advanced coding assistance, debugging, and testing features.

  • Why It's Great: WebStorm provides a more integrated development environment with built-in tools for version control, project navigation, and a richer set of refactoring tools.

  • Key Features: Smart coding assistance, built-in tools for debugging, testing, and tracing TypeScript code.

Build Tools

TypeScript Compiler (tsc)

  • Overview: The heart of TypeScript, the TypeScript compiler (tsc), compiles TS files to JavaScript. It can be configured via tsconfig.json to target specific ECMAScript versions and manage project compilation settings.

  • How to Use: tsc can be run from the command line or integrated into build processes to compile entire projects or individual files.

Webpack and ts-loader

  • Overview: Webpack is a static module bundler for modern JavaScript applications, and

  • Key Benefit: It enables advanced bundling and optimization features, such as code splitting and tree shaking, for TypeScript projects.

Linters and Formatters

ESLint with TypeScript

  • Overview: ESLint is a pluggable and configurable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript. With the


    , it can be used to lint TypeScript code, ensuring code quality and consistency.

  • Setup: Integrating ESLint with TypeScript involves configuring ESLint to use the TypeScript parser and installing the necessary plugins and configurations for TypeScript rules.


  • Overview: Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that supports many languages, including TypeScript. It formats code according to a set of rules, ensuring consistent code style across your project.

  • How It Complements: While ESLint focuses on code quality, Prettier ensures that your code looks beautiful and consistent.

Part 2: Enhancing Your Workflow

Testing Frameworks


  • Overview: Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity. It works well with TypeScript for both unit and integration testing.

  • TypeScript Integration: To use Jest with TypeScript, you'll need to install ts-jest, a preprocessor that allows Jest to understand TypeScript code.

Mocha and Chai

  • Overview: Mocha is a flexible testing framework for JavaScript, and Chai is an assertion library. Together, they provide a robust testing solution for TypeScript projects.

  • TypeScript Setup: To use Mocha and Chai with TypeScript, you'll need to set up ts-node and include TypeScript type definitions for both libraries.

Continuous Integration (CI) Tools

GitHub Actions

  • Overview: GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate all your software workflows, now with world-class CI/CD. It can run tests, lint code, and even deploy TypeScript projects directly from GitHub repositories.

  • TypeScript Benefit: Automating your TypeScript compilation and testing process ensures that your code is always ready for production.

Travis CI

  • Overview: Travis CI is a hosted continuous integration service used to build and test software projects hosted on GitHub and Bitbucket. It supports TypeScript projects out of the box.

  • How It Works: By defining your build process in .travis.yml, Travis CI can automatically run your TypeScript build and test steps on every commit.

Documentation Generators


  • Overview: TypeDoc is a documentation generator for TypeScript projects. It reads your TypeScript source code and its comments and produces an HTML documentation website.

  • Why It's Essential: Documentation is key to maintaining and scaling TypeScript projects, and TypeDoc makes it effortless.

Wrapping Up

The TypeScript ecosystem is rich with tools that make development a breeze. From powerful IDEs like VS Code and WebStorm to build tools, linters, and testing frameworks, there's a tool for every need.

Leveraging these tools can significantly enhance your development workflow, ensuring you write cleaner, more robust, and maintainable TypeScript code.

Whether you're just starting with TypeScript or looking to optimize your existing workflow, integrating these tools into your development process will set you up for success.